Home > Activiteiten > Kurt Bertels & Bert Koch: muziek voor de vroege saxofoon

Kurt Bertels & Bert Koch: muziek voor de vroege saxofoon

A New Sound: Music for the Early Saxophone

The new wind instrument invented by the Belgian Adolphe Sax in 1841 has fascinated many a composer. His saxophone, actually intended for use in symphony orchestras and military bands, also inspired large quantities of chamber music that is seldom heard in concert halls today. Adolphe Sax could never have guessed that his instrument would achieve such glory in jazz music. As such, you might almost forget that it can seduce and charm in a classical idiom as well. The Belgian saxophonist Kurt Bertels is one of the few musicians exploring the historical performance practice of the early saxophone. With Bert Koch at his side, this 19th and early 20th century repertoire is in excellent hands. More than worth discovering – or rediscovering!


J. Jongen: Méditation, opus 21 | C. Debussy: Rhapsodie | V. d’Indy: Choral Varié, opus 55 | P. Gilson: Improvisation | J. Demersseman: Fantaisie sur un Thème Original | C.G. Poncelet: Hériodade | N. Beeckman: Elegie, opus 14 | Grande Polonaise 


Kurt Bertels, saxophone | Bert Koch, piano

Fri 15 March 2024

20:00 - AMUZ


Tier 1: € 24 / € 20 | Tier 2: € 20 / € 16 / This concert is also included in season tickets Instrumental