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Bart Coen

Wat Zal Men op den Avond Doen

Wat Zal Men op den Avond Doen combines Baroque and contemporary music for the solo recorder. The title of the programme refers to a melody upon which Jacob Van Eyck composed variations. Van Eyck (1590-1657) was a blind Dutch musician, carillonist and recorder player. On summer evenings, he entertained people out for a stroll in the Janskerkof in Utrecht with his musical talent. He published his compositions in Der Fluyten Lust-hof. The collection contains about 150 compositions, variations on psalms and familiar melodies. The programme also includes Engels Nachtegaeltje, Amarilli Mia Bella, Doen Daphne d’over Schoone Maeght and several dances. 

Black Intention by the Japanese composer Maki Ishii (1936-2003) refers to the will to integrate new rhythms, forms and sounds that did not previously exist into the music. For instance, the recorder player is expected to play two instruments at the same time. 

You will also hear a composition by Bart Coen himself: an estampie he wrote based on Philipus de Caserta’s ballad En Attendant for the production of the same name by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker.


Works by J. Van Eyck, G.P. Telemann, J.Bodin de Boismortier, M. Ishii, Y. Fumiharu, B. Coen


Bart Coen, recorder & percussion

Thu 1 February 2024

20:00 - AMUZ


Tier 1: € 24 / € 20 | Tier 2: € 20 / € 16 / This concert is also included in season tickets Instrumental