Laus Polyphoniae is the annual summer festival organised by AMUZ (Flanders Festival Antwerp) and dedicated to the music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Since its inception in 1994, the festival has grown to become the only and largest festival worldwide dedicated to the European heritage of polyphony. Laus Polyphoniae always upholds AMUZ’s central motto: Historically Informed Performance (HIP). This link with the scientific world, which is a constant breeding ground, ensures that AMUZ is known in the European arts landscape as a sound music and knowledge centre. Besides internationally renowned artists, Laus Polyphoniae also focuses on young up-and-coming talent with, for example, the International Young Artist’s Presentation.
The music enters into dialogue with other art forms such as literature. Laus Polyphoniae also integrates other immovable heritage sites within the city of Antwerp in its activities, such as St. Paul’s Church, St. Andrew’s Church and St. George’s Church, but also the Rubens House, the Elzenveld, Paleis op de Meir, etc.
Every year, Laus Polyphoniae draws 10,000 visitors: from Flanders, but also from the Netherlands, France, Germany and even Japan and the US, music lovers come to Antwerp.
Click on the links below to consult the programme books of past editions. (in Dutch)
2024 VOX\VOCES, Monophonic\Polyphonic
2023 Antwerpen. Townscape – Soundscape
2020 Polyphony connects
2019 Maria van Bourgondië
2018 1618 | BEFORE & BEYOND
2017 ADORATIO. Over heiligen, martelaren en geliefden
2016 MORS. De eeuw van de zwarte dood
2015 Petrus Alamire. Meerstemmigheid in beeld
2014 Claudio. Op zoek naar de jonge Monteverd
2013 Elisabeth I
2012 Mare Adriatico
2011 Sons Portugueses
2010 Manu Scriptum. Vijf eeuwen muziek uit goede bron
2009 Cappella Sistina
2008 Muziek in de Hanzesteden. Eeuwenoude handelsroutes weerklinken
2007 La Polyphonie Française. De Franse polyfonie van de middeleeuwen tot 1600
2006 Conquista y Reconquista. Spaanse en Latijns-Amerikaanse muziek voor de Nieuwe Wereld
2005 Jacob Obrecht en zijn tijd
2004 Polifonia Italiana
2003 Philippus de Monte en de Habsburgse hoven
2002 Musica Britannica
2001 Josquin Desprez en zijn tijd
1998 Música Ibérica
1997 Johannes Ockeghem en zijn tijd
1995 De Antwerpse muziekdrukkers in de 16de eeuw
1994 Orlandus Lassus