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Véronique Gens & James Baillieu

Songs by Reynaldo Hahn and contemporaries

The French soprano Véronique Gens and the English pianist James Baillieu present songs by Reynaldo Hahn his French contemporaries. Hahn was an intimate friend of the French author Marcel Proust, with whom he shared a passion for literature. In his songs, Hahn creates a perfect symbiosis between the text and music, composing beautiful melodies that immediately appeal to his listeners. “A great voice, with impeccable classic technique but also a superb, rounded and substantial timbre. Her diction is also remarkable, which does nothing to spoil the effect”, enthused Le Monde last year. So we are extremely pleased to welcome Véronique Gens with James Baillieu who, among other things, has his own series of concerts at Wigmore Hall in London.


Songs by R. Hahn, C. Gounod, E. de Polignac, G. Fauré and H. Duparc


Véronique Gens, soprano | James Baillieu, piano

Sun 22 October 2023

15:00 - AMUZ


Tier 1: € 26 / € 22 | Tier 2: € 22 / € 18 (postponed concert 15/1/23)