Paul O’Dette, described as “the clearest case of genius ever to touch his instrument” (Toronto Globe and Mail), is nothing short of a living legend among lute players. This influential figure in his field brings the Antwerp lute player, teacher and composer Emanuel Adriaenssen (1554-1604) back to life at Laus Polyphoniae. Adriaenssen, who ran a lute school with his brother, played for the members of his own social class, the wealthy bourgeoisie. Many of the lute adaptations of vocal repertoire, including French chansons, Italian madrigals and also songs in Dutch, are included in his collection Pratum musicum, which was greatly admired right from the time of its first publication. Copies of it have been found in the libraries of Constantijn Huygens and King John IV of Portugal.
Paul O’Dette, lute