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Huelgas Ensemble: Antwerp’s Printers

The Allure of Antwerp’s Printers in the Renaissance

Along with four wind instruments, four strings and a virginal, the singers of Huelgas Ensemble offer a unique evocation of Antwerp’s printers during the Renaissance. It is well known that Antwerp was the centre of book printing, from scientific treatises to atlases and music. The printers Phalesius and Plantijn, joined by Tielman Susato from 1543 onwards, are world famous. Paul Van Nevel and his Huelgas Ensemble will astonish you with the broad spectrum of music prints, ranging from religious music by Alard du Gaucquier, French chansons by Clemens non Papa and Italian madrigals by Philippus de Monte all the way to dance music from prints by Susato and Phalesius in this exceptionally rich and varied programme. 




Maria Valdmaa, Dorothea Jakob, Helen Cassano, cantus | Achim Schulz, Paul Bentley-Angell, Loïc Paulin, Sebastiaan Ammerlaan, tenor | Roland Faust, bassus | Bart Coen, Peter De Clercq, recorders | Silke Jacobsen, recorders, three-hole pipe & bass crumhorn | Wim Becu, tenor & bass sackbuts | Lies Wyers, Liam Byrne, viol | Aliénor Woltèche, Renaissance violin | Pieter Vandeveire, violone

Wed 23 August 2023

22:15 - St.-Pauluskerk


Tier 1: € 38 / € 34 | Tier 2: € 34 / € 30