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Collegium Vocale Gent

St John Passion by J.S. Bach

In the St John Passion, Johann Sebastian Bach sets the story of Jesus’ passion as it is told in John’s Gospel to music. The St John Passion is based on the Bible text that is traditionally read out on Good Friday. Jesus is captured and brought before Caiaphas and Pilates. He is sentenced, crucified and dies. The Bible text is performed by the tenor soloist (the Evangelist), tonight the artist in residence Reinoud Van Mechelen. Other soloists include the bass Peter Kooij and soprano Dorothee Mields, with whom Herreweghe has worked for many years, scaling great heights. As the finale to this concert season, allow yourself above all to be moved by the overwhelming emotional depth of this music.


J.S. Bach: Johannespassie, BWV 245


Reinoud Van Mechelen, Evangelist | Kresimir Strazanac, Christ | Marie Luise Werneburg, soprano | Alex Potter, countertenor | Guy Cutting, tenor | Peter Kooij, bass | choir and orchestra of Collegium Vocale Gent | Philippe Herreweghe, artistic leader

Sat 8 April 2023

20:00 - AMUZ


Tier 1: € 34 / € 30 | Tier 2: € 30 / € 26. This concert is fully booked, you can only book on the waiting list.