The historian Michael Pye has drawn admiring glances with his latest book, Antwerp: The Glory Years. The book recounts how 16th-century Antwerp broke all the economic, religious, sexual and intellectual rules. During Laus Polyphoniae, Pye reveals the city’s most famous assets: the music that could be heard everywhere and the merchants and printers who made that possible. He also looks at the diversity of Antwerp’s music: from bawdy songs to household pieces and sacred motets. He will take his listeners on an hour-long journey back in time with the keyboard player Mario Sarrechia as his musical companion on an Antwerp virginal. You will also literally find yourself stepping into another time: the gorgeous reception rooms at Christoffel Plantijn’s magnificent residence form the ideal setting for this story.
Michael Pye will speak in English.
Michael Pye, narrator | Mario Sarrechia, virginal